Friday, July 20, 2012

Statement on Romney and my shameless marketing

I clearly did not support Romney from the beginning and am not going to insult anybody's intelligence by claiming a last minute conversion and claim that if only I had knows more about the greatness of Romney, I would have been his number one fan.

I will always remain a Thune supporter and a Cain supporter.

However, I have been studying Romney's record and am now positive that a) the negatives thrown at him are liberal inventions and b) he would make an outstanding president.

His business experience?  Well, he built his wealth himself and did not inherit any of it (he donated his entire inheritance).  The companies he was involved in with Bain generally did well.  It is insane to take the position that just because he does not have a 100% success record with all businesses he tried to help he is somehow unqualified.  Keep in mind Obama's 0% success record...

He is smart, kind, charitable and a strong leader - all things I wish I had know sooner.  NOT so thjat I could have supported him instead of Cain, but merely so that I had not used the same ad hominems the liberals want us to use.

Romney is a good man and will make a good president.

Surely better than Obama.

But that should not be too difficult.

Also, please link to my business website - I need more traffic...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Herman Cain

Herman Cain remains the best candidate the GOP has to challenge President Obama despite the Politico hit job and the foreign policy gaffe.
Let us examine the gaffe first. After a stressful and emotional time in which a happily married man was accused of inappropriate behavior, Herman Cain had the audacity of flubbing on Libya. The media and his competitiors are using this to create the myth that any presidential candidate must have perfect answers to every possible question.
Does anybody remember the George W. Bush foreign policy quiz where he could not name foreign leaders? And Bush turned out to be a forceful American leader in the field of National Defense despite him having campaigned on primarily domestic issues. The truth is that it is not detailed knowledge on all sorts of issues that makes somebody a good president but rather the ability to learn, have good advisors and be decisive. Cain has those qualities, as he has shown throughout his entire career. Obama does not, as he has shown thoughout his presidential term. Cain has made mistakes in his campaign and will continue to do so, but after each mistake he will get up, shake off the dirt and emerge stronger and more determined to do right by this Country. And when elected president, Cain will have a SecState, SecDef, NSA anda plethora of advisors to help him make the best possible decisions for America. And given Cain's love for this country, that allowed him to work his way out poverty into a successful business career. Cain has the true American story, unlike Obama's drug-laced, marxist-backed, terrorist-supported story. Or Romney's political dynasty for that matter.
And while overall the President of the United States SHOULD focus on National Defense, RIGHT NOW we need a president to undo the liberal damage to the economy and steer the country back onto the path of Amercan success via the entrepreneurial spirit and true capitalism. Herman Cain can do all of that. Further, the electorate is sick and tired of political insiders and want a true maverick to shake up the system. Romney comes from a political dynasty, Perry Gingrich, and Paul have held office for so long, they ARE the establishment. Cain is the only good alternative.
Next, Herman Cain was accused of acts that are entirely inconsistent with 46 years of moral behavior. You would think that if he was capable of these things he would continue to do them in every company he was involved with - and that would have come out. Heck, even Bill Clinto could not hide his womanizing/ raping ways and HE has State Troopers and White House officials to help cover it up.
Please consider this: Cain was only ACCUSED of these acts - he was NEVER found to have actually done anything wrong. Even the settlements did not actually involve him, but rather represented shut-up money paid after Cain had already left the Restaurant Association. If his actions were improper - why was he not pursued personally? He HAD money.
It is unfortunate that for every real harassment claim reported, and scores that go unreported, there are some claims made for reasosns of obtaining money or revenge. We already knw that the accusers needed money and at least one has a history of making workplace accusations.
And yet it is Cain that loses support over accusations. How is this even remotely proper?
I do not know if it was Perry, Romney or Obama who leaked the "story" to Politico. I do know that it was Politico that chose to run a "story" based on anonymous innuendo and not journalism. If this hit job causes Cain to not be elected, Politico might have the future of America on its conscience.
Yet I am hopeful that the American electorate is smarter that that (not very hopeful, mind you, this IS the same electorate that actually elected Obama). We still have time before Iowa and South Carolina to get Herman Cain two very important victories. With those he can build momentum and get back to the issues that are important: how to get the government to stop suppressing American Exceptionalism and unleash the strength of the American small business entrepreneurial spirit to finally fix our economy.
Oh, and stop Iran from going nuclear. That's also important.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Statement of Problems

We got a problem, folks

Senator John McCain, the presidential nominee for the GOP, agreed to address La Raza (yes, that translates to "The Race") an essentially pro-illegal immigration group. This adds to the already existing concern of most Americans that Sen. McCain favors an amnesty approach to the illegal immigration problem.

Senator McCain takes the conservative vote for granted - never a good idea...

In my previous posts I endoresed first SecState Rice, then Sen. Thompson, both for the same reason: we need a president who will protect this nation in ALL areas that need protection.

What if McCain wins? How will this reflect on the GOP?

I have heard of conservatives who will refuse to vote and hope that we can weather 4 years of Obama. They point out - correctly - that 4 years of Carter lead to Reagan. I would like to believe this could be possible here and that perhaps 4 years of Obama could invigorate the GOP and hopefully allow a true conservative leader to emerge.

Or, it could lead to a meltdown in the Middle East, terrorist attacks on American cities, socialized medicine, a socialized economy, perhaps the end of America as we know it.

I do not know if McCain is the lesser evil that might be controllable or if he would destroy the party.

I have to vote, it is who I am.

But who to vote for?

Monday, May 05, 2008

Statement on Politics and Voting

Greetings and salutations

I hope to be blogging more frequently and I hope the change I made to my comment section elevates the quality of my blog.

I really need to write more often and I apologize.

Up until now my posts have discussed specific political events or the topics were drawn from current headlines. I am going to take a break from this and discuss a matter very important to me.


In this particular post I am refering to politics in general rather than a specific political ideology. Granted, being a Conservative has been a very important influence in my life, but before I was a Conservative, I was interested in politics period.

Some of you know that prior to 1999 I lived in Germany for 17 years. During that time I was still an American citizen which gave me an interesting perspective very early in my life. Specifically it meant one thing: I could not vote. I knew I could not vote and knew that I would never be able to vote.

short of rejecting my citizenship and becoming German. SOOOOOOOOOO not gonna happen

Even when I joined the youth organization of the Christian Democratic Union and later the party itself, I had a VERY limited impact in German political life -and I was one of the interested ones.
When I moved back to the United States I did my research (wrote Tom Daschle and John Thune and asked each of them to justify their party's ideology - Thune won). Later, I was surprised and shocked to discover how low our voter turnout is.

I strongly believe that our Nation is the greatest nation on this planet - but seriously folks, our voter turnout is pathetic.

Most people I ask about this (well, only those who don't vote) plainly state that their vote makes no difference, that politics is boring and doesn't affect them.
The last argument irritates me.

On this temporal plain of existence politics is incredibly important: politics governs your entire life. Think about it and try to come up with an area that politics does not affect...

You want to get married? You need a license and the county will have requirements.
You want to save money? First, look at your pay stub and see how much money goes to taxes. Second, look up the IRS regulations concerning IRAs, finally, if you invest look at capital gains taxes.
You want to buy a house? Make sure to check your home owners association's rules.
You want pets? How many cats does your city allow?
You want to drive? Every State has their own rules (and all of them waaaaay too easy)
You want to drive FAST? Who came up with 70mph speed limits? (I'm still bitter about those two speeding tickets in Minnesota...)

Politics, in some form or another, affects everybody. Even if you want to be a survivalist loner in Montana, you will be taxed. If you want to homeschool your kids, you have state guidelines. If you want to establish a freaky religious center in Waco, chances are the FBI will invade.

If politics affects your entire life, why would you NOT get involved? Most Americans pride themselves on being independent, yet refuse to participate in the system that has the power to affect their independence. This makes no sense.

Now we come to voting. In America, voting occurs approximately every two years. This being America, we vote about EVERYTHING. City officials, county officials, law enforcement officials, judicial officials, state representatives and federal representatives. Further, on most ballots you can vote on issues: specific county ordinances, local taxation, amendments to State constitutions. The list is endless. All one has to do is take an interest, spend SOME time reading up on the issues (and even if not, most issues are explained ON the ballot) and take the time to VOTE. You get involved and your voice will be counted.

And even if not, it is still important to take a stand.

I knew very well that Shane Osborn was going to win state office (even though his actions were stupid and potentially dangerous) but it felt good to vote AGAINST him.

Now lets discuss the coming presidential election.

Let's make this clear (clear? crystal...) I do not like any of the candidates. Or put different, I do not like any candidate's politics (I actually like John McCain personally).
But as I stated in an earlier post, the coming issues are IMPORTANT. For this Nation, at some point, they will affect life and death. I just have to vote.
Accordingly, I will even vote in the primary - just not for McCain - just so that I can sleep better knowing that I tried, I was part of the process in selecting the person who will lead this country.

And in November, I will vote against the Democrats - and yes, FOR McCain. I am too scared what a Clinton/Obama presidency would bring. So please, everybody out there who thinks they should stay home, please go out and vote.

And for all you people who want to vote for a Democrat, remember election day in November FIFTH...

Charles Garman

Statement on Comments

I have changed two items about comments to my post:

1) I now reserve the right to review them before they post; and

2) you know have to verify that you're a real human being.

This was done to remove spam and porn ads. I find both disturbing. If you reply to my posts with disagreements, I will authorize the comment, even if you are abusive. Granted, i will then proceed to mock you, but still...


Statement on proper spelling

My apologies for the many spelling errors in the previous post.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Statement on OMG

OK, everybody, please note the reply to my most recent (almost a year ago) post.

yeah, so I was wront with vitually all of my predictions. How unusual.

I shall not dwell on my inaccurate predictions but rather discuss the current situation.

Also, for the first time in a while, I will ignore the Democrats (I would like to encourage all of you to do the same come November).

This election is important for three reasons:

1) The future of Western Civiliation

This is kind of a big one.
Radical Islam is on the march. They are very influential in the Middle East (duh) but are gaining in Africa, Pakistan, formerly Soviet states, and Europe. SOME European states are trying to stem the tide but they are only moderately successful. Spain caved (in their defense, they have a history of being conquered by islam).
Once again, America is the shining city on the hill that provids hope for the free world. We need a president who fill FIGHT these people (preferably somewhere else).

I've seen videos of Radical Islamics executing women for showing ancle. The ARE that evil.

2) The future of American liberties

This does NOT mean what liberals constantly whine about. Our liberties are not in danger because of Guantanamo or because we liberated Iraq. Approving of or supporting our Nation's military does not lead to a police state.
The true danger lies in forgetting what liberty means and where we - the first Nation built on the idea of liberty - came from.
Read the Constitition. Just read it. Don't analyze it, don't interpret it, just read it. That document, that brilliant piece of writing establishes a nation-state with limited government. The state was was established understanding that people need laws to keep order and allow citizens to live their lives. But, the state was not established to allow the government to dictate HOW the citizens live their lives. That's why we need a federal government with limited power.

None of the Democrats understand this. Few of the Republicans do.

3) The future of American culture.aus

Protect the border, teach American values and history. Promote English, etc etc.

We need a candidate who is a true conservative to protect America from all threats.

Mayor Giuliani is a Republican because he supports a strong defense.
Senator McCain is a Republican for the same reason.
Governors Romney and Huckabee are Republicans because they are social conservatives.
Ron Paul is a Republican because ... not sure ... mainly because the Libertarian Party is not viable, I guess.

Senator Thompson is a Republican because he has read "Conscience of a Conservative." He understands national defense. He understands American culture and history. And he understands limited government.

I like Huckabee. He is a good, devout Christian. But, he wants to use the power of the government to further his agenda, he does not want to limit that power.

It pains me to see Sen. Thompson so low in the polls. He is a good man and a great leader, and best of all he is a true Conservative.

I know my endorsement means little, but Sen. Thompson has it.

We continue to need a free America in Novmber.

Charles B. Garman

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Statement of Mea Culpa

Ok, so this title doesn't make perfect sense. Let's just score this one as creative license...

What should I apologize for? well, it appears that my predictions from my last blog were not quite correct. Also, I haven't posted in a year. Sorry 'bout that, too.

By the way, if anybody cares, I'm now a lawyer.

Yeah, I didn't think anybody cared, either...

Let me go ahead and update my predictions for 2008:
I really thought that Kerry would stick around. I really did, his ego was sure big enough. If he gives it another try, he won't get the nomination, by 2008 the Dems will have run away from his "record"
Edwards might try, but he is just not active enough in politics. My money is still on Hillary. Pelosi won't run because she a) will have lost the election for Speaker or b) will be Speaker which in itself is a pretty cool gig.
Clark resigned himself to obscurity. If he shows up again, people will probably ask who he is. I have been surprised by people mentioning Barack Obama as possible candidate. What is it with first term senators runing for president? I don't know how well Omaba would do because I don't know Obama. Nobody knows Obama. All we know is that he appears to be smart and black. The first is a good quality in a president, the second should have no bearing on the quality of leadership. My guess is that Obama is left leaning, but I really don't know enough about him to either support or fight him. Maybe that is the Democrat's plan, nomonate somebody new who doesn't have a record to be ashamed of (probably why nobody EVER talks about nominating Teddy Kennedy or Robert Byrd).
Warner said he won't run, which is good for the GOP because Warner actually could have won.
Liebermann obviously won't run and it looks like he won't retire. Unfortunately, he'll continue to caucas with the Democrats because, his feeling of the war aside, he's very liberal.

uhm .... yeah
Frist and Santorum ... probably not
McCain will make a run for it, as will Giuliani - maybe they'll do it together.

so there

ok, now 2006
If the Democrats get control of Congress, nothing that has to happen will happen.
If they do, it won't be the end of the world. With a GOP president and a slighlty more sane Supreme Court (only slightly) we can hold of the most lunatic liberal proposals.
The less lunatic ones ... oh well, at least America will see why voting Republican is generally a good idea.

Republicans in Nebraska, PLEASE don't vote for Shane Osborne. I know he won the Republican nomination, I voted against him and I will vote against him in the general election. One should not surrender American property and secrets to the CHICOM and profit at the polls.
*End Intermission*

Will the GOP loose seats? Duh. Is that a proof that America is turning against the GOP? Probably not. Traditionally, the party in power looses seats during the midterm elections. Bush and the GOP just broke that tradition the last times. Is the GOP loosing seats a bad thing? Yes and we should fight hard to prevent it.
But we shouldn't end our great conservative journey.
Well, we can take a detour and maybe take a break and reread Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative. It might do us some good to remember what we stand for politically. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with limited government.

Yes, I read that somewhere.


Friday, January 28, 2005

Statement on Dr. Condi Rice

Yes, George W. Bush just was elected and just recently was inaugurated. I do understand those who are weary of campaigns and elections and definately do not want to contemplate the 2008 election. While no decisions have to be made for quite a while, there is no harm in considering candidates.

For the Dems:
Kerry will run again, so will Edwards. Dick Gephard has had enough and will finally quit. Lieberman won't run and might even retire from the Senate soon. Clark might try again. Hillary will OF COURSE try and has the best chances on the Dem side.

For the GOP:
Guliani will probably try and would not be a bad choice. Frist and Santorum will both at least form exploratory committees as will McCain. Of the three, Frist and McCain are the most likely to succeed.
Now about Dr. Condi Rice, our SecState.
Dr. Rice has given no indication whatsoever of wanting to run for the Presidency. Also, she is by far the most competent person and best choice not just for the GOP nomination, but for the Presidency itself.
Keep this in mind: this woman is brilliant, she got her college degree with 19, her Masters with 20 and her doctorate before 30. She is a concert pianist, was the provost at Stanford and both an amazing and an unshakeable National Security Advisor.
I hereby endorse Dr. Rice for President and would like to refer everybody to
