Saturday, January 05, 2008

Statement on OMG

OK, everybody, please note the reply to my most recent (almost a year ago) post.

yeah, so I was wront with vitually all of my predictions. How unusual.

I shall not dwell on my inaccurate predictions but rather discuss the current situation.

Also, for the first time in a while, I will ignore the Democrats (I would like to encourage all of you to do the same come November).

This election is important for three reasons:

1) The future of Western Civiliation

This is kind of a big one.
Radical Islam is on the march. They are very influential in the Middle East (duh) but are gaining in Africa, Pakistan, formerly Soviet states, and Europe. SOME European states are trying to stem the tide but they are only moderately successful. Spain caved (in their defense, they have a history of being conquered by islam).
Once again, America is the shining city on the hill that provids hope for the free world. We need a president who fill FIGHT these people (preferably somewhere else).

I've seen videos of Radical Islamics executing women for showing ancle. The ARE that evil.

2) The future of American liberties

This does NOT mean what liberals constantly whine about. Our liberties are not in danger because of Guantanamo or because we liberated Iraq. Approving of or supporting our Nation's military does not lead to a police state.
The true danger lies in forgetting what liberty means and where we - the first Nation built on the idea of liberty - came from.
Read the Constitition. Just read it. Don't analyze it, don't interpret it, just read it. That document, that brilliant piece of writing establishes a nation-state with limited government. The state was was established understanding that people need laws to keep order and allow citizens to live their lives. But, the state was not established to allow the government to dictate HOW the citizens live their lives. That's why we need a federal government with limited power.

None of the Democrats understand this. Few of the Republicans do.

3) The future of American culture.aus

Protect the border, teach American values and history. Promote English, etc etc.

We need a candidate who is a true conservative to protect America from all threats.

Mayor Giuliani is a Republican because he supports a strong defense.
Senator McCain is a Republican for the same reason.
Governors Romney and Huckabee are Republicans because they are social conservatives.
Ron Paul is a Republican because ... not sure ... mainly because the Libertarian Party is not viable, I guess.

Senator Thompson is a Republican because he has read "Conscience of a Conservative." He understands national defense. He understands American culture and history. And he understands limited government.

I like Huckabee. He is a good, devout Christian. But, he wants to use the power of the government to further his agenda, he does not want to limit that power.

It pains me to see Sen. Thompson so low in the polls. He is a good man and a great leader, and best of all he is a true Conservative.

I know my endorsement means little, but Sen. Thompson has it.

We continue to need a free America in Novmber.

Charles B. Garman