Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Herman Cain

Herman Cain remains the best candidate the GOP has to challenge President Obama despite the Politico hit job and the foreign policy gaffe.
Let us examine the gaffe first. After a stressful and emotional time in which a happily married man was accused of inappropriate behavior, Herman Cain had the audacity of flubbing on Libya. The media and his competitiors are using this to create the myth that any presidential candidate must have perfect answers to every possible question.
Does anybody remember the George W. Bush foreign policy quiz where he could not name foreign leaders? And Bush turned out to be a forceful American leader in the field of National Defense despite him having campaigned on primarily domestic issues. The truth is that it is not detailed knowledge on all sorts of issues that makes somebody a good president but rather the ability to learn, have good advisors and be decisive. Cain has those qualities, as he has shown throughout his entire career. Obama does not, as he has shown thoughout his presidential term. Cain has made mistakes in his campaign and will continue to do so, but after each mistake he will get up, shake off the dirt and emerge stronger and more determined to do right by this Country. And when elected president, Cain will have a SecState, SecDef, NSA anda plethora of advisors to help him make the best possible decisions for America. And given Cain's love for this country, that allowed him to work his way out poverty into a successful business career. Cain has the true American story, unlike Obama's drug-laced, marxist-backed, terrorist-supported story. Or Romney's political dynasty for that matter.
And while overall the President of the United States SHOULD focus on National Defense, RIGHT NOW we need a president to undo the liberal damage to the economy and steer the country back onto the path of Amercan success via the entrepreneurial spirit and true capitalism. Herman Cain can do all of that. Further, the electorate is sick and tired of political insiders and want a true maverick to shake up the system. Romney comes from a political dynasty, Perry Gingrich, and Paul have held office for so long, they ARE the establishment. Cain is the only good alternative.
Next, Herman Cain was accused of acts that are entirely inconsistent with 46 years of moral behavior. You would think that if he was capable of these things he would continue to do them in every company he was involved with - and that would have come out. Heck, even Bill Clinto could not hide his womanizing/ raping ways and HE has State Troopers and White House officials to help cover it up.
Please consider this: Cain was only ACCUSED of these acts - he was NEVER found to have actually done anything wrong. Even the settlements did not actually involve him, but rather represented shut-up money paid after Cain had already left the Restaurant Association. If his actions were improper - why was he not pursued personally? He HAD money.
It is unfortunate that for every real harassment claim reported, and scores that go unreported, there are some claims made for reasosns of obtaining money or revenge. We already knw that the accusers needed money and at least one has a history of making workplace accusations.
And yet it is Cain that loses support over accusations. How is this even remotely proper?
I do not know if it was Perry, Romney or Obama who leaked the "story" to Politico. I do know that it was Politico that chose to run a "story" based on anonymous innuendo and not journalism. If this hit job causes Cain to not be elected, Politico might have the future of America on its conscience.
Yet I am hopeful that the American electorate is smarter that that (not very hopeful, mind you, this IS the same electorate that actually elected Obama). We still have time before Iowa and South Carolina to get Herman Cain two very important victories. With those he can build momentum and get back to the issues that are important: how to get the government to stop suppressing American Exceptionalism and unleash the strength of the American small business entrepreneurial spirit to finally fix our economy.
Oh, and stop Iran from going nuclear. That's also important.


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