Thursday, October 26, 2006

Statement of Mea Culpa

Ok, so this title doesn't make perfect sense. Let's just score this one as creative license...

What should I apologize for? well, it appears that my predictions from my last blog were not quite correct. Also, I haven't posted in a year. Sorry 'bout that, too.

By the way, if anybody cares, I'm now a lawyer.

Yeah, I didn't think anybody cared, either...

Let me go ahead and update my predictions for 2008:
I really thought that Kerry would stick around. I really did, his ego was sure big enough. If he gives it another try, he won't get the nomination, by 2008 the Dems will have run away from his "record"
Edwards might try, but he is just not active enough in politics. My money is still on Hillary. Pelosi won't run because she a) will have lost the election for Speaker or b) will be Speaker which in itself is a pretty cool gig.
Clark resigned himself to obscurity. If he shows up again, people will probably ask who he is. I have been surprised by people mentioning Barack Obama as possible candidate. What is it with first term senators runing for president? I don't know how well Omaba would do because I don't know Obama. Nobody knows Obama. All we know is that he appears to be smart and black. The first is a good quality in a president, the second should have no bearing on the quality of leadership. My guess is that Obama is left leaning, but I really don't know enough about him to either support or fight him. Maybe that is the Democrat's plan, nomonate somebody new who doesn't have a record to be ashamed of (probably why nobody EVER talks about nominating Teddy Kennedy or Robert Byrd).
Warner said he won't run, which is good for the GOP because Warner actually could have won.
Liebermann obviously won't run and it looks like he won't retire. Unfortunately, he'll continue to caucas with the Democrats because, his feeling of the war aside, he's very liberal.

uhm .... yeah
Frist and Santorum ... probably not
McCain will make a run for it, as will Giuliani - maybe they'll do it together.

so there

ok, now 2006
If the Democrats get control of Congress, nothing that has to happen will happen.
If they do, it won't be the end of the world. With a GOP president and a slighlty more sane Supreme Court (only slightly) we can hold of the most lunatic liberal proposals.
The less lunatic ones ... oh well, at least America will see why voting Republican is generally a good idea.

Republicans in Nebraska, PLEASE don't vote for Shane Osborne. I know he won the Republican nomination, I voted against him and I will vote against him in the general election. One should not surrender American property and secrets to the CHICOM and profit at the polls.
*End Intermission*

Will the GOP loose seats? Duh. Is that a proof that America is turning against the GOP? Probably not. Traditionally, the party in power looses seats during the midterm elections. Bush and the GOP just broke that tradition the last times. Is the GOP loosing seats a bad thing? Yes and we should fight hard to prevent it.
But we shouldn't end our great conservative journey.
Well, we can take a detour and maybe take a break and reread Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative. It might do us some good to remember what we stand for politically. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with limited government.

Yes, I read that somewhere.
